
May 17 – June 13, 2008 (the date of publication in Russian)

Maxim Kalashnikov, Sergey Kugushev


How petty ideological blunders doom great human dreams

Abridged translation from Russian. Original Russian texts see here:

Part 1: (

Part 2: (

Part 3: (

Part 4: (


The revision of Soviet history, initiated in the last years of Mikhail Gorbachov's rule and foreboding USSR's disintegration, started from allegations that Joseph Stalin contributed to Adolf Hitler's to rise to power – by instigating a split between German Communists and Social Democrats in early 1930s. However, more obvious fallacies of Nikita Khrushchov and Leonid Brezhnev are overlooked, or deliberately ignored until today.

Filling this gap, we have to remind of the two events which made year 1968 fabulous in the perception of the whole Western community. Though this year was marked by the first manned flight around the Moon and the Hongweibing campaign in China, two other events are much more frequently mentioned in textbooks, now in Russia as well – the massive youth unrest in France and the ensuing dissemination of what was later named "rock, drug and sex revolution", and the crackdown of the Warsaw Pact troops on the "democratic socialist" movement in Czechoslovakia.

Due to fatal lack of understanding of the background of political events in the West, the Soviet leadership made an erroneous choice in both cases, thus contributing in the global shift that eventually predetermined the disintegration of their own country and the following economic and social disaster. Officially denouncing American imperialism and recognizing the moral aspect of its crisis, the Soviets actually assisted Washington in the geopolitical strategy that later acquired the now universally known name of globalization.

The target of the French youth revolt was the presidency of Charles de Gaulle, the person who raised the stagnating economy and transformed France into a leading European power, creating the potential used until today. However, de Gaulle's ideas exceeded the scale of his native country. He tried to establish a powerful alliance of European states, recognizing the Soviet economic potential as an indispensable element of the revival of Eurasia. At the same time, he strongly opposed the global economic dictate of US currency, insisting on establishing the golden standard as the base of international economic relations.

De Gaulle's efforts were deliberately undermined by the architects of dollar-based globalization. The student movement in Paris started, without any significant domestic social reasons, literally a month after the meeting of Bilderberg Club where Baron Edmond de Rothschild and leading CIA strategist, rabid anticommunist James Jesus Angleton launched a far-reaching scenario of destabilization of Europe, instrumentalizing an ambitious George Pompidou for a political change in France that should be fairly recognized as a sophisticated coup d'etat.

In April 1968, thousands of young people flooded streets and squares, smashing offices, paralyzing street traffic, and occupying the Sorbonne University. Crowds of youth were massively infiltrated by intelligence agents who instigated young people for an anarchistic unrest under slogans of freedom.

Instead of providing support to de Gaulle, who had generously decolonized Algeria to the benefit of a pro-Soviet government of Houari Boumedienne, Moscow contributed to the scenario of international tycoons and US intelligence services. Instead of providing de Gaulle the necessary materials on the unscrupulous agency of influence, with assistance from Czech and East German intelligence, the CPSU Central Committee's International Directorate helped to topple the French leader by organizing massive strikes through the channels of the International Labor Confederation.

The Soviet leadership was similarly narrow-minded at the onset of the movement for a political change in Czechoslovakia, which actually unified young people with genuinely socialist views. The intervention of Warsaw Pact troops efficiently discredited the postwar generation of East European youth, predetermining the latter sentiment of hate and contempt towards the very country where the first socialist revolution took place.

At that time, in the aftermath of the war in Vietnam, the Soviet Union could establish a strong political alliance with European governments, then interested in independence from the US dictate. Europe could become a neutral continent, following de Gaulle's example of a pullout from NATO. Inspiring the democratic socialist movement in Prague instead of suppressing it, the USSR could rise as a beacon of a unified Eurasian policy. Instead, Leonid Brezhnev (according to an eyewitness report of Zdenek Mlynar) decided to consult Washington. President Lyndon Johnson, referring to postwar agreements, assured him that the United States was not going to assist the Czech democratic socialists.

This self-discredit was the second step towards disintegration of the international communist movement after Khrushchov's quarrel with Mao Zedong. It granted Washington a carte blanche for organizing a movement of workers in Poland, now under both social and religious banners. The Politburo steered its nation into a sophisticated geopolitical trap, with a most devastating but already irreversible outcome.



From the standpoint of today, we realize that the misconception of the 1968 Politburo eventually appeared fatal not only for the Soviet but also for the American nation. The subsequent for decades transformed not only the US financial system but also the morality and culture of Americans. In fact, the years of globalization, with replacement of psychology of labor with psychology of entertainment, undermined the genetic code of Americans.

The psychology of entertainment was developed deliberately, with excessive contribution from specialists in mind control. Their activity, developing under the auspices of CIA, was based on technologies imported from Nazi Germany where LSD, discovered in 1943 by Swiss chemist Albert Hoffmann, was originally used.

After the war, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the predecessor of CIA, signed a deal with Sandoz, the company where LSD was first synthesized. In mid-50s, the agency spawned a number of research programs involving the Boston Psychiatric Center, the Columbia University, the Illinois Medical School, Harvard, and Rochester University. The research was financed through the Washington-based Geschickter Family Fund. Since 1954, a large-scale contract or production of LSD was struck with Eli Lilly, a major pharmaceutics concern based in Indianapolis.

In late 1950s, the alliance of CIA and Sandoz Corp. launched one more operation, focused on research of Mexican-grown fungi. The idea belonged to Richard Gordon Wasson, deputy chair of JPMorgan Bank since 1943, who studied mushrooms and related cults in indigenous peoples of Ibero-America. Thus, Sandoz became the pioneer in extraction of hallucinogenic alkaloids from Psylocybe mexicana, a short-living mushroom growing in Mexican tropical woods. In 1957, Life magazine, owned by tycoon William Randolph Hurst, major sponsor of the Republican Party, highlighted Wasson's research in a detailed and rich-illustrated report.

"The influence of these mushrooms was really profound", emphasized the author. "They became a detonator of new imagination, as mushrooms revealed new worlds beyond the horizon available for a human both in time and space, as well as worlds of different dimensions – the heaven and probably the inferno. The mushrooms powerfully formed the belief in miracle. A human shares many feelings with beasts but devout obeisance and awe before God is typical only for a human. Experiencing the ecstatic feelings created by the divine mushrooms, a human may ask himself whether the very idea of God was generated by mushrooms".

The version that the image of God could emerge from mushrooms fascinated the yet religious and puritan America. Dozens of thousands travelers moved to Mexico in order to experience extraordinary feelings advertised by Life magazine.



Nazi Germany was also the place of residence of Alistair Crowley, author of the most destructive Satanist cult of the XX century. Crowley's theories were absorbed later by prominent English writer Aldous Huxley, along with drug addiction. Deliberately spreading "narco-pedagogy", Huxley shaped the thinking of a whole generation with a series of books, especially with "The Doors of Perception" (1954).

Promoting dissemination of drugs and hallucinogenic mushrooms, Huxley substantiated his efforts with geopolitical reasons. He claimed that by means of "use of dormant structures of brain", activated with drugs, America could efficiently surpass the Soviet society in intellect and creativity. By means of creativity, he said, we shall produce geniuses that would "make the United States an invincible stronghold of freedom".

Experiments on fellow Americans were continued by psychologist Timothy Leary, a drug addict and theorist of drug use, and the founder of an artificial neo-Pagan church whose members collectively used LSD under supervision of instructors. Escaping from jail in California and being later detained in the airport of Kabul, Leary became a guru of the hippie movement. His works on psychedelic substances were indirectly financed by the CIA. Leary was convinced that what people regard as reality is actually a social fabrication, i.e. an imposed illusion, and in case a man administers psychedelic drugs under the instruction of a skilful teacher, he gets rid of obsessive ideas about himself and stereotypes, generated by the society.

More idols of the "rebellious youth" were personified by a group of philosophers, belonging to the Frankfurt school – Max Horkheimer, Wilhelm Reich, Theodore Adorno, Erich Fromm and Herbert Marcuse who based their social teaching on the libido theory of Sigmund Freud. Their writings became bestsellers in late 1960s.

Freedom of a human personality from the restrictions, imposed by the society and its traditions under the attractive guise of a "new-generation revolution" were crucial for the moral transformation of American youth and in particular, in making drugs an indispensable element of the American nation’s metabolism.



The musical idols of this generation, many of them dying from drug intoxication, believed themselves to be prophets of new religion. John Lennon, whom Timothy Leary eulogized as "one of the four apostles", declared: "Christianity is going to die. It is obvious. I am convinced of that, and soon others will be sure I'm right. We (The Beatles) are now more popular than Jesus Christ".

Meanwhile, the Soviet leaders were ambiguous towards this phenomenon, being confused with their own dogmatic political approach. Lennon's membership in the US Communist Party predetermined tolerance to US rock idols and enabled their influence to penetrate into the Soviet musical culture.

In 1964, drugs were systematically bused by 15mln young Americans. The deliberate effort of replacement the genetic code accumulated the critical mass of change. The triumph of rock-drug-sex counterculture inverted the system of values. New priorities dictated new requirements, thus shaping new behavior. The heritage of F.D. Roosevelt's "New Deal" and the daring of space research were embezzled. Trajectories of new spaceships were replaced with schemes of financial manipulation; engineers and scientists retreated before producers of illusions; the power was stolen by bankers and media tycoons from industrialists and technologists. The rock-drug-sex counterculture annihilated the prospects of colonization of planets, once anticipated by Robert Anson Heinlein, the enthusiast of the American technological dream. The disintegration of the USSR put an end to the bold prophesies of Russian fantasts like Ivan Yefremov and Kir Bulychev.

Today, politician and thinker Patrick Buchanan writes that "millions of Americans have become strangers in their mother country", where "relics of the glorious past vanish from museums, being replaced with ugly abstractions", and "masterpieces of literature are ousted with trash-- This revolution won not only in America but in the whole Western community where civilization, based on faith, is replaced with a surrogate".

In fact, the civilization has found itself among ghosts that are more realistic than persons. The rich-financed Matrix, the favorite movie of Boris Berezovsky, featured a world in which reality and illusion are indistinguishable from one another.

In the research anthology entitled Dope Inc., the group of Lyndon LaRouche revealed that the intention behind the whole effort of this transformation was initiated by CIA operatives who wished to guarantee control of the drug markets from overtake by the Communist China. However, the process eventually fell under control of the degenerated tribe of "privatized intelligence" that later purchased their own private armies, excessively operating in the expanse from the Golden Triangle, Afghanistan, Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Balkans.

Thus, the liberal concept of globalization that ruined the USSR actually serves as an ideological cover for the international "community of shade" that imposes its set of degenerate values on the humanity. This community of shade, and not the American state, has become the winner of the real war that had been taking place between the concept of the Man and his mission in the universe.

The physical disintegration of the USSR and the moral destruction of America developed simultaneously. The Man's dream of spaceflights, of conquering the laws of nature, of inventing new forms of energy, of true freedom that inspires for great endeavors, was mocked, mislead, discredited and ruined by the disgusting substance of lie, delusion, and theft. The mankind has missed the station, arriving instead of an advanced city of high technology and social progress – to a dirty slum on the debris of abandoned industry, ruled by marauders, speculators, spin doctors, perverts and sadists, a world where the human is regarded as a raw material by beastly movers and shakers, a world of new slavery and total degradation of Homo sapiens. The Land of Noon faded away, and the Eaglet, the hero of a romantic song of the Civil War of 1918-20, did not spread his wings towards the sun.

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