DEFENSE Articles 1 - 20 of 31 First | Prev. | 1 2 | Next | Last | All 08.07.2009 NORTH KOREA: HOW TO PRESERVE THE STATUS QUO? Russia is uninterested both in a nuclear Pyongyang and a merger of North Korea into South Korea 12.06.2009 RUNNING OUT OF TIME WITH AN ARCTIC ISSUE While our northern territories are relatively safe, Russia need to urgently upgrade its Arctic infrastructure 08.06.2009 X-32 FACTOR: LONG-RANGE ASYMMETRY Russia should think about a preventive move in the Arctic stand – the cruise missiles 07.06.2009 PLAYING WITH FIRE IN THE ARCTIC Norway and its Western allies challenge the Russians in the basin of the Arctic Ocean 16.05.2009 A FLAME OVER ISLAMABAD The nearest perspective for Pakistan is the country's dismantlement with the help of NATO forces 05.05.2009 THE NEW US MILITARY DOCTRINE Pentagon strategic analysts study von Clausewitz, Thucydides, and Sun Tzu 26.04.2009 A BLITZ GAME IN OPAQUE LIGHT Manipulation means to first impose troubles and then to offer help to the troubled side 23.04.2009 USSR-USA: AFGHAN PARALLELS Barack Obama's approach to military industry resembles Gorbachov's perestroika 25.02.2009 EQUATION WITH THREE UNKNOWN QAUNTITIES After leaving one Central Asian country, the US forces might "settle" in two other states 24.02.2009 DOES RUSSIA NEED A DISARMAMENT RACE? Nuclear disarmament is expedient for the United States and China but not for Russia 24.11.2008 THE EMPIRE OF LIE. Part 1. STOLEN IMAGES Forgery of various national histories has got the same handwriting 22.07.2008 HOW TO PROTECT TSKHINVALI AND SUHUMI? The Tbilisi authorities have to realize: any Blitzkrieg will encounter an anti-Blitzkrieg 12.07.2008 SEA BREEZE OVERTURE The head of Crimean Tatar Mejlis is happy to see anti-NATO demonstrators dispelled 11.07.2008 "UNFREEZING" BY EXPLOSIVE MEANS Mitigation of sanctions against Georgia appears inefficient 17.04.2008 AN OUTDATED RADAR. Part 2 There can be no doubt that the US NMD program is aimed at Russia and China 16.04.2008 AN OUTDATED RADAR. Part 1 There can be no doubt that the US NMD program is aimed at Russia and China BELARUS: AN UNDEREMPLOYED STRONGHOLD The exclusive potential of Moscow-Minsk cooperation should be used to the full extent RECOVERING FROM THE SPIN Will Russian aircraft industry get second wind? IS THE CHALLENGE REAL? The public of the West should be grateful to Russia for its attempts to revive its military potential THE CHURCH CONSECRATES RUSSIA'S NUCLEAR SHIELD Russian nuclear weapons protect the world from a new Hiroshima Articles 1 - 20 of 31 First | Prev. | 1 2 | Next | Last | All